Onion CMF Library & Pattern Design

(2017 & 2019)

This project began with the fundamental question,

“What kind of sources do you use to be inspired as a designer?”

In my experience,

“By involving delicate perspectives daily, we can generate a broader range of compelling creations.”

Dismantling techniques:

Depending on the observational method, we could unveil new aesthetic features.

- Slice off the layer
- Peel off the skin

Scoping the features of the onion’s characteristics:

With the experimental assets, we delved into defining the ‘Onion’ context as color and seamless texture for use in thedesign process.

We classified the aesthetic characteristics as a way of transforming digital sources. It involved three keywords: In terms of capturing inspiration, these classifications allow us to organize experiments, making them easy to study, utilize, and refine visually.

︎︎︎turn the page

To ensure a harmonious and refined final design:

Following the objective research, we effectively applied it to digital prototypes for reference in the next step of concept development and refinement. Unlike the previous step, which engaged an objective perspective, I explored a broad aesthetic experiment. For instance, I experimented with patterns that could offset bright and vivid colors or refine complex patterns by applying colors to make them eye-catching.

The ‘Onion Library’ was my most powerful tool for evolving fresh combinations. It impacted crafting distinctive designs, ranging from intuitive geometry to abstract compositions.

Research with team (2017)
Pattern design personally (2019)
Concept development, Material Research, Documentation, Photography